Your attic is the perfect rat-retreat. Let us prevent it.
Roof Rat Exterminator in Mesa AZ, Queen Creek, Gilbert, Chandler and surrounding valley areas.
Roof rats in Chandler AZ and surrounding cities are a growing problem. Over the last ten years, we have seen a steady migration of roof rat activity starting from the Phoenix area, down south-east through Chandler, Queen Creek, and surrounding areas. A common sign of roof-rats is hollowed out fruit shells on the ground under citrus trees. Birds and bugs do not leave citrus shells like this. If you find hollowed out citrus on the ground, give us a call for a free inspection.
Roof Rat Control CostPricing does not vary much from house-to-house for roof-rat exterminating in Mesa and all East Valley cities. Similar to our mosquito treatment, roof-rat treatment is only available as an addition to standard pest services. The cost for roof rat exterminating is $10 + the cost of the standard pest services. We also have a one-time $25 charge per bait box.
What to expect from roof-rat control
The first step in roof rat exterminating in Mesa AZ, Chandler, and other East Valley cities is figuring out how they are getting on the roof. The most common path to the roof is tree branches that overhang the roof. These must be cut back. Since roof rats in Chandler are attracted to citrus, we also recommend our customers pick up citrus before it falls onto the ground.
The next part in successful roof rat control in Mesa AZ and surrounding areas is our bait box stations (see images). We strategically place bait stations around the property. The bait station protects the snap trap from pets, birds, and children. A big mistake our competitors make as roof rat exterminators in Mesa AZ and other East Valley cities is to trap the rats in the attic. If rats are caught in the attic sometimes they run with the trap and get stuck in the wall. This causes an even greater problem because the rats will begin to rot inside your walls. Since roof rats jump down every night to forage, it’s best to trap them on the ground. Additionally, if you've trimmed the trees, they are less likely to get back on the roof. Roof rats are able to produce as many as 50 young each year, so it is important to contact us as soon as you notice signs of roof rats.
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